Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here are some pics of are flight from cambodia back to Bangkok where we got stuck in the airport for 14 hours... But the bangkok airport is new and really nice.. so there are some pics of the airport from the outside and a map of are flight....and they all most did not let me leave the country for taking the pic of andy at the immigration board..and the guy told me that i had to erase the pic and i was like sorry sorry i will will and ha aha ahhahah i didnt..and now he got blogged.....and just a funny pic of us being weird..........!!!!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

I have more pics but it just took me 3 and a half hours to post what I have already posted so maybe I will post more pics tomorrow

To be free in the world you must first be free in yourself

So we are back from dream land and now I know why they call it dream land… we stayed at a place called Jimmy’s (its kind of funny that they have American names here) But it was just perfect… It is a row of bamboo and grass huts that are built right on the beach… The way are place was set up was a open patio restaurant that over looked 6 different surf spots and was right on the sand and about 45 feet from the ocean…and then you go up stairs to where the bed rooms where… there where 4 different rooms 2 with double beds and 2 with single beds and then a open area that overlooked the beach and all the surf spots…And I was lucky enough to get the only room that had a ocean front window in it… so all I had to do to check the surf in the morning was to sit up in bed and turn my head to look out the window and if the surf looked good and the tides where right then it was time to get up and have are huge breakfast for $1.50 and then hit the water… If not then I would just lay right back down till I felt like getting up… We where lucky enough to be sharing the place with just 2 other people. An English girl and her French boy friend… And at first it was a slow start but after about 2 hours of chilling with them and talking it was like we where all old friends that had not seen each other for awhile…(and I know that Andy and Eric feel the same way). The French guy was named Julian and I don’t think that there is a nicer more genuine and crazy French man out there than him he had all kinds of great stories and experiences that we talk about and laughed over for the 5 day that we where there. He is truly a person that I plan on keeping in touch with and plan on visiting him at his home in the south of France where he lives on the cliffs over looking the beach… It was his 3rd trip to Bali and so he gave us all the info that we need to know about all the breaks and where to get in and out of the water and how to get around to the different spots… With out him we would have been lost the first few days there… (So Julian if you check this blog I thank you for your help and kindness)… So I was going to buy a board here because they are kind of cheap but with the cost of a board, board bag, and the airlines charging me 75 to 100 dollars for all of the next flights that we have to take the board would have ended up costing me about $1000 probably. So I really didn’t think that it was worth it… So I rented a nice board for only $3.00 a day or it would have been a nice board if I was 125 pounds and 5ft 7in but I am neither so I just made the best of it and had fun anyway… So basically all that we had to do all day was to just eat, surf, swim, and chill… it was so relaxing that it was boring at sometimes, but never was it not appreciated… After the first day there we where all so comfortable with the place and the 2 people that worked and lived there that we just started to just get are own drinks and what ever we wanted and would just mark it down on are tab that we had (which at the end was only about 80 dollars a person for the five days we stayed)….So all in all it was a great experience and one that I will never forget but don’t think many other people will be able to enjoy for much longer due to the fact the land that is above the beach on the cliffs were sold and are being turned into a luxury hotel and golf course and they are trying to demolish the bungalows in as little as a 3 months and make the beach a private one… So the next time I come back to Bali I don’t even think that I will be able to return to that same beach…. It’s sad what money and people can do to the beauty of Mother Nature… So it is now Monday the 27th at about 10 o’clock a.m. and we are back in Kuta and it is nice…. but it really sucks because it is to touristy … I think that I am going to chill for the day and try and stay out of the sun and then tomorrow maybe go and get a tour of some other places in Bali… I really wish that I could rent a moto or a car but the driving here is just insane and I don’t feel like getting into a wreck or kill myself so I think that it is worth the 5 dollars to hire someone to take you around to different places…I have learned that when people say that the world is a small one it is the truth. I have meet people along my journey so far that know some of the same people that I know and know the same places that I know. It just makes me laugh sometimes to think that I could have crossed paths with some of these people already… So all of us for got that it was even Thanksgiving till the morning of Thursday and I think that I had chicken nuggets and French fries for my dinner and it was great. But I definitely gave thanks for all that I have and am able to have…SO HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! And (Aften happy birthday!!!!! I was thinking about you and hoping that you had a good one let me know what you want from here because I think that I am going to try and FedEx a box back to dad’s house) I hope that everyone is well and enjoying life because I know that I am…..till the next post peace in the middle east…..

P.S. When Pres. Bush was here last week we all pretended to be from Australia and tried to stay low and hide out till he left….

A pic of Bali from the air, the point of balangan and me and Eric out in the water at balangan

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dream land

A pic of my room and the view from are chillin area outside are rooms and the boys doing what we do....chill P.S. the view from the chill area is alot better than the pic but i only got that one pic because i was taking mental pics

Bali sunsets from the place we stayed

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

about to be off the map and in dreamland

So Bali is going good but we are in kuta and it is to much of a tourist spot and I cant take it anymore..But today we hired a driver from are hotel to take us to some different surf brakes and some different cool places and it was great... First we where going to rent a car and drive are selfs but it is really crazy driving here so we thought that for the first day of driving we would let some one else do it and am really really glad we did.. First off everything is stick which is not that bad but then everything is on the different side of the road too and we would have never have found the places that we wanted to go with out the driver... And they say that if the cops see a tourist diving they pull you over and make them pay you off and we definitely would have been stopped by the cops because we saw them doing it to other people.. And when I was even in the air port coming in to immigration the immigration man was trying to get me to even pay him off it was crazy he almost did not let me in but I just played dumb and he let me go... But anyway we found some really cool spots and are going to stay there for the next 5 days so I will have no internet so if you don't here from me that is what is going on...The spot we are going to stay at is call dreamland it is a real good surf spot and the place that we are going to stay at is right on the beach about 20 feet from the water..And the price is only about 4 dollars a night..All it is is just a bed and that's about it but a really nice beach and a restaurant and what else do you need.. So I cant wait it is what I have been wait to do the hole trip just surf and lay in the sand all day... I don't even know if they have power but it is going to be great..So till the next post I hope that everyone is doing good and pray that we don't get food poisoning when we are down there..........And brad and Chris and Tim what is the deal what you up to send me a email or something let me know what you are all up 2....noahserrao@gmail.com And I will post pics when i get back from the trip.........

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well so we have finally made it to indo!!! we had a little flight trouble but i guess thats just my luck... so after spending 14 hours in bangkok we finally made a different flight and now we are spending are first day in bali.. and at first it was crazy because we where all tired.. btu after a little rest and food we where as good as new.. we went to the market and got all kinds of cloths like shorts and tshirts for about 3 to 4 dollars.. and they are really nice things.. i got a pair of arnette sun glasses for about 2.22..btu it was after talking the guy down from about 10 dollars... i think that i am going to send a box back to hawaii so if anyone wants something for cheap let me know and i will see if they have it here.... oh and we made it to the beach and went for a swim and it was great to be back in the salt water... till the nest time hope all is good back home....i will post pics soon... we are going to buy some surf boards and go surf tomorrow so i will bring my water camera and get some good shoots........

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

About to leave for Indo

The driving on the roads here is absolutely insane…it is just people on motos that drive anyway that they want to…we take these things called tok toks they are little 3 to 4 people buggy’s that attach to the back of motos…When ever we take them we have to where are shirts over are face due to all of the dust and dirt that is in the air… I kind of like the tuk tuks… I think that they are very fun to ride on….

sad place

So now we are back in Phnom Penh… where we went to a museum where the Khmer rough killed and tortured so many of their on people…( There is a movie that you all should go and rent it is called the killing fields.. it is a great movie that tells all about the peoples struggles here and all that they have had to experience... and there are some big actors in it so you don’t have to worry about it being a low budget fill it is very good and I highly recommend that you go and rent it!!!!!!!!) At the museum they have all these little cells about 4ft wide and 8 ft deep that they keep people changed to the floor in and had endless walls of pictures of people that had been tortured and killed here…I have a picture of the leg restraints that they used to put as many people as they could on one of them and made them just live laying on the ground side by side… and some of the rules where that you could not talk at all and you could not cry even when they where torturing you and if you did it was instant death…There are fields that are about 20 minutes from the city that are mass graves of just hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Khmers..(I don’t think that I am going to go and see it… I don’t think that I want to)… It is hard to believe that all of this kind of stuff was happening just 10 and 20 years ago…

So are trip in Cambodia is coming to a close in one day… And what an experience it has been… To see how some people still live in such poverty is a real eye opener, but to consider the fact the they are just getting over a civil war and that the whole country is corrupt you can really tell that they have a long way to go before things are good for the people here… I feel so lucky and fortunate to be from the USA its overwhelming… It is definitely something that you don’t appreciate till you come to places like this and I believe that Cambodia is the 3rd poorest country in the world to kind of put things in to perspective for you…

So are trip started in Phnom Penh where we then went to the south west part of the country to a beach town called Sihanoukville or Kampong Saom (which is what the khmer people call it and khmer are what you call Cambodians)… We stayed at the beach town for a week and then headed back to Phnom Penh for the night… Where we then took a 6 hour bus ride to the city of Siem Reap or also called Angkor Wat… Angkor Wat is where they have all of the temples that where built between the 8th and 17th century which where built for all different kinds of spirits that they worship around here. We only had one full day here so we had to rush around so that we could see the 4 major temples… I am not sure but I think that there are hundreds of temples… The first was the best preserved of them all but really small… but the carvings where great… They where deepest carvings of all the temples… They have carved something in almost every inch of available stone in all the temples and the consistencies of the patters are just amazing…The best 2 temples to me where Angkor Wat and the temple with all the trees growing out of them… Climbing the stairs at the Temples was like climbing a latter…But once you made it to the top it was awesome… They made the stairs so steep because they say that it is not easy to make it to heaven so they made it a challenge to get to the top of their temples… (which makes senses to me)…once at the top of Angkor Wat me and Eric walked around and checked everything out and then found a spot out on the edge of one of the outer terraces and just sat and chilled there and took it all in for about a hour while the sun was setting. It was truly a peaceful and great experience…

You can see on the map where we have traveled and I am posting a few pictures of the temples.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The boat

So on Thursday afternoon me, Andy, Andy’s mom, Barona and Eric hired a boat to take us on a half day trip to some of the smaller outer islands… so we wait about 25 minutes for the captain of the boat to get there…now I call him the captain but I think that it is really his first time even being on a boat.. He has to go and swim out to his boat that is anchored about 75 feet from the shore and he doesn’t even have to swim most of the way out to it because it is so shallow…but so here comes the captain with the biggest and brightest life jacket that I have ever scene…and the second that he hits the water he is off to the worst doggy paddle ever… so we all look at each other and are like that’s the driver of the boat he cant even swim.. and he don’t even have to swim he can just walk almost all the way out to the boat….so we all got a good laugh at that.. Well we get on the boat and away we go.. Driving at ¼ knot because the boat engines where 2 weed whacker motors with propellers on the end of them and they were deafening.. So all they do is just ride us around different islands for about a hour and a half till we cant take it anymore and Eric points to a island and tell them to take us there…so we get off the boat and go for a swim and find out that you can go to the other side of the island and the beach is nicer.. so we hike through the malaria filled jungle and come out to a nice bay that has about 10 bungalows and a small bar restaurant right on the water that you can rent for 10 dollars a night…I would have stayed but had nothing to wear but wet cloths and the sun was about to set so would really not be able to do much but just sit in the dark… so I decided not to stay…At first we where really down about the boat trip but finding the beach and having a sun set cruise back to the hotel made it all worth it….(even though we where all deaf from the boat engine for the rest of the night)


So the start of the trip was intense but I would not change it for anything different...Well I guess that I would but now that everything is starting to work out I think that it is all good and that everything happens for some reason… If you where to ask me if I had learned anything from the trip so far I would have to say yes.. I learned that it is good to plan ahead and not procrastinate on anything if you don’t have to... If there is anything that you have to do just do it and don’t put it off till the last minute... And always have a plan B ... And of course just go with it because you can’t always control your situation… But what ever…. So the other day me and Eric had the most wildest game of Marko polo ever with about 30 little kids in the hotel pool it was awesome… the most fun I had in years… You have to ask Andy to see the video of it… If you want to know where we are at the moment it is in Sihanouk ville which is a town on the south west coast of Cambodia on the gulf of Thailand… And it is nice but very poor here… and you can’t go anywhere with out people hassling you to buy something or give you a ride some where on the motos…I am getting tired of saying no all day long….The country of Cambodia has been at war with its self for about 30 years and it is in just the last 8 years that they have had peace… the road we took to get to the beach was at one time a road that you did not travel due to the kamer rough a group of fighters that would take and just rob and kill anyone and a lot of foreigners have died on that road just about 10 years ago…but all that is over now I hope… but the worst part of the kamer rough is that from 1975 to 1978 they went around and killed about 3 million of the countries smartest people I.E. doctors, teachers just about anyone with any kind of education. So now you have a country that is full of people with no education at all so you can kind of imagine how it is here.. But the good thing is that the younger generation is starving for an education and they really want to better them selves…we will be leaving the beach Friday and will head to Siem Reap to see all the temples of Angkor Wat… which I hear is one of the largest buildings of worship in the world and all so I think it is one of the 7 wonders of the world… (I will start to post pictures of the trip really soon)