Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So are trip in Cambodia is coming to a close in one day… And what an experience it has been… To see how some people still live in such poverty is a real eye opener, but to consider the fact the they are just getting over a civil war and that the whole country is corrupt you can really tell that they have a long way to go before things are good for the people here… I feel so lucky and fortunate to be from the USA its overwhelming… It is definitely something that you don’t appreciate till you come to places like this and I believe that Cambodia is the 3rd poorest country in the world to kind of put things in to perspective for you…

So are trip started in Phnom Penh where we then went to the south west part of the country to a beach town called Sihanoukville or Kampong Saom (which is what the khmer people call it and khmer are what you call Cambodians)… We stayed at the beach town for a week and then headed back to Phnom Penh for the night… Where we then took a 6 hour bus ride to the city of Siem Reap or also called Angkor Wat… Angkor Wat is where they have all of the temples that where built between the 8th and 17th century which where built for all different kinds of spirits that they worship around here. We only had one full day here so we had to rush around so that we could see the 4 major temples… I am not sure but I think that there are hundreds of temples… The first was the best preserved of them all but really small… but the carvings where great… They where deepest carvings of all the temples… They have carved something in almost every inch of available stone in all the temples and the consistencies of the patters are just amazing…The best 2 temples to me where Angkor Wat and the temple with all the trees growing out of them… Climbing the stairs at the Temples was like climbing a latter…But once you made it to the top it was awesome… They made the stairs so steep because they say that it is not easy to make it to heaven so they made it a challenge to get to the top of their temples… (which makes senses to me)…once at the top of Angkor Wat me and Eric walked around and checked everything out and then found a spot out on the edge of one of the outer terraces and just sat and chilled there and took it all in for about a hour while the sun was setting. It was truly a peaceful and great experience…

You can see on the map where we have traveled and I am posting a few pictures of the temples.


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