Friday, November 10, 2006


So the start of the trip was intense but I would not change it for anything different...Well I guess that I would but now that everything is starting to work out I think that it is all good and that everything happens for some reason… If you where to ask me if I had learned anything from the trip so far I would have to say yes.. I learned that it is good to plan ahead and not procrastinate on anything if you don’t have to... If there is anything that you have to do just do it and don’t put it off till the last minute... And always have a plan B ... And of course just go with it because you can’t always control your situation… But what ever…. So the other day me and Eric had the most wildest game of Marko polo ever with about 30 little kids in the hotel pool it was awesome… the most fun I had in years… You have to ask Andy to see the video of it… If you want to know where we are at the moment it is in Sihanouk ville which is a town on the south west coast of Cambodia on the gulf of Thailand… And it is nice but very poor here… and you can’t go anywhere with out people hassling you to buy something or give you a ride some where on the motos…I am getting tired of saying no all day long….The country of Cambodia has been at war with its self for about 30 years and it is in just the last 8 years that they have had peace… the road we took to get to the beach was at one time a road that you did not travel due to the kamer rough a group of fighters that would take and just rob and kill anyone and a lot of foreigners have died on that road just about 10 years ago…but all that is over now I hope… but the worst part of the kamer rough is that from 1975 to 1978 they went around and killed about 3 million of the countries smartest people I.E. doctors, teachers just about anyone with any kind of education. So now you have a country that is full of people with no education at all so you can kind of imagine how it is here.. But the good thing is that the younger generation is starving for an education and they really want to better them selves…we will be leaving the beach Friday and will head to Siem Reap to see all the temples of Angkor Wat… which I hear is one of the largest buildings of worship in the world and all so I think it is one of the 7 wonders of the world… (I will start to post pictures of the trip really soon)


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