Wednesday, November 15, 2006

sad place

So now we are back in Phnom Penh… where we went to a museum where the Khmer rough killed and tortured so many of their on people…( There is a movie that you all should go and rent it is called the killing fields.. it is a great movie that tells all about the peoples struggles here and all that they have had to experience... and there are some big actors in it so you don’t have to worry about it being a low budget fill it is very good and I highly recommend that you go and rent it!!!!!!!!) At the museum they have all these little cells about 4ft wide and 8 ft deep that they keep people changed to the floor in and had endless walls of pictures of people that had been tortured and killed here…I have a picture of the leg restraints that they used to put as many people as they could on one of them and made them just live laying on the ground side by side… and some of the rules where that you could not talk at all and you could not cry even when they where torturing you and if you did it was instant death…There are fields that are about 20 minutes from the city that are mass graves of just hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Khmers..(I don’t think that I am going to go and see it… I don’t think that I want to)… It is hard to believe that all of this kind of stuff was happening just 10 and 20 years ago…


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