Friday, May 18, 2007


Yesterday I went on a bird watching trip… That’s right I said bird watching…. My boy Kevin is a guide for Hawaii forest and trail out here in Kona and one of the tours he does is a bird watching one (which I would like to say that he is a master at he can name hundreds of different birds with just a glimpse of them and even tell what kind of bird it is by just a faint bird song off in the distance so Big ups to the K-man) so instead of hanging out by myself all day I went to work with him and tagged along on the tour….Now when I think of bird watching I think of something that is not going to be that exciting and when I think of people that come on vacation to Hawaii and pay good money to go on a birding tour I think of old boring scientist type people…And for the most part I was right… Not to much excitement and the people where power dorks but I guess that’s not really nice of me to say because I really had a good time and I saw birds that are very rare endangered endemic species that I would probably never have seen in my regular day life so in that aspect I had a great time and am now proud to be call a Birder…. Some birds that I saw where Black Francolin, Erckel’s Francolin, Kalij Pheasant, Ring-neck Pheasant, Wild Turkey, California Quail, Rock Dove, Spotted Dove, Zebra Dove, Common Myna, Japanese White-eye, Red-Billed Leiothrix, Skylark, House Sparrow, Red Avadavat, African Silverbill, Nutmeg Mannikin, Saffron Finch, House Finch, and some of the native birds Hawaiian Coot, Pueo, `Elepaio, `Oma`o, Palila, Hawai`i Amakihi, `Akiapola`au, I`iwi, `Apapane…. I know that reading all this has probably bored you to death, but you have to remember I am now a Birder and a non exciting old scientist power dork……


Blogger mom said...

Hey, I think I take offense to that!!!

11:59 AM  

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