Tuesday, November 21, 2006

about to be off the map and in dreamland

So Bali is going good but we are in kuta and it is to much of a tourist spot and I cant take it anymore..But today we hired a driver from are hotel to take us to some different surf brakes and some different cool places and it was great... First we where going to rent a car and drive are selfs but it is really crazy driving here so we thought that for the first day of driving we would let some one else do it and am really really glad we did.. First off everything is stick which is not that bad but then everything is on the different side of the road too and we would have never have found the places that we wanted to go with out the driver... And they say that if the cops see a tourist diving they pull you over and make them pay you off and we definitely would have been stopped by the cops because we saw them doing it to other people.. And when I was even in the air port coming in to immigration the immigration man was trying to get me to even pay him off it was crazy he almost did not let me in but I just played dumb and he let me go... But anyway we found some really cool spots and are going to stay there for the next 5 days so I will have no internet so if you don't here from me that is what is going on...The spot we are going to stay at is call dreamland it is a real good surf spot and the place that we are going to stay at is right on the beach about 20 feet from the water..And the price is only about 4 dollars a night..All it is is just a bed and that's about it but a really nice beach and a restaurant and what else do you need.. So I cant wait it is what I have been wait to do the hole trip just surf and lay in the sand all day... I don't even know if they have power but it is going to be great..So till the next post I hope that everyone is doing good and pray that we don't get food poisoning when we are down there..........And brad and Chris and Tim what is the deal what you up to send me a email or something let me know what you are all up 2....noahserrao@gmail.com And I will post pics when i get back from the trip.........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Noah! I really like your pictures. It is interesting to see the details that you highlight. i especially liked the temple with the tree growing over it. Sounds like you are having a great time. Joe is here and we have a feast planned! Be careful. love mom

4:42 PM  

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