Thursday, May 24, 2007

I spent this past weekend with Kevin and Lisa on Oahu and had a great time playing tourist… We stayed down in Waikiki for a night and went to a V.I.P. party at the skyline…. We where out of place up their but it was fun…..Here are a few pictures of the view from are condo…

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yesterday I went on a bird watching trip… That’s right I said bird watching…. My boy Kevin is a guide for Hawaii forest and trail out here in Kona and one of the tours he does is a bird watching one (which I would like to say that he is a master at he can name hundreds of different birds with just a glimpse of them and even tell what kind of bird it is by just a faint bird song off in the distance so Big ups to the K-man) so instead of hanging out by myself all day I went to work with him and tagged along on the tour….Now when I think of bird watching I think of something that is not going to be that exciting and when I think of people that come on vacation to Hawaii and pay good money to go on a birding tour I think of old boring scientist type people…And for the most part I was right… Not to much excitement and the people where power dorks but I guess that’s not really nice of me to say because I really had a good time and I saw birds that are very rare endangered endemic species that I would probably never have seen in my regular day life so in that aspect I had a great time and am now proud to be call a Birder…. Some birds that I saw where Black Francolin, Erckel’s Francolin, Kalij Pheasant, Ring-neck Pheasant, Wild Turkey, California Quail, Rock Dove, Spotted Dove, Zebra Dove, Common Myna, Japanese White-eye, Red-Billed Leiothrix, Skylark, House Sparrow, Red Avadavat, African Silverbill, Nutmeg Mannikin, Saffron Finch, House Finch, and some of the native birds Hawaiian Coot, Pueo, `Elepaio, `Oma`o, Palila, Hawai`i Amakihi, `Akiapola`au, I`iwi, `Apapane…. I know that reading all this has probably bored you to death, but you have to remember I am now a Birder and a non exciting old scientist power dork……

One of the habitats for the birds.... A rainforest lava field...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Holding onto the dream

I am trying to keep the dream alive..... i am still traveling i dont think that i can stop... i am in Kona......will tell more later.....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I was lucky enough to get tickets to second round Utah Jazz playoff last night… The crowd and the company were unreal… And the Jazz came to play and didn’t disappoint winning the game in the last minute of play 116 to 112… Wednesday is the next game so I don’t know if I am going to go back to Hawaii or stay a few more days and go to the game….


Upper deck

The best half time show ever......

Monday, May 07, 2007

Random pictures from Utah

Joseph with choke leis on... Congratulations
Shane boy, Joseph and Alyssa
Sleding at Brighton

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The W.B. is one of the better places to be.....

Let me make a long story short… Cuz I have done a lot in the last 4 weeks….I was suppose to go to Utah to snowboard with my brother, but due to a injury I didn’t go… So instead I went to Denver with my Mom for a few days and then I went to the W.B. for about 2 and a half weeks of a long anticipated fun in the sun with some of the best friends in the world (I would like to thank the Lang Bro’s and Club Coral for giving me a place to lay my head).... And now I am in Utah for my brother’s graduation… Which I would like to say Congratulations to him for his great accomplishment… And in a few days I will be back in Hawaii to try and start a new life… I have done so much but have taken hardly any pictures, but I will post what I have….. Sorry that they are out of order my blogspot is acting crazy…

Snowbird Utah

Standing Free... with Shane boy
Shane boy playing the air guitar...
Shane boy and i doing a little sleding...
I rolled him around in the snow for a little....

W.B. is for Lovers

A crew of us went to Masonboro for a few days of camping... And the only pictures i took was of the sunset one day.... But it was a beautiful one...

These pictures where taken at Snowbird in Utah on May 5.... Thats right a snow storm in may, about a foot and a half of snow fell at the top of the mountain...

Friday, May 04, 2007


Shift happens- GLOBALIZATION...... There are several definitions and all usually mention the increasing connectivity of economies and ways of life across the world. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that globalization is the "process by which the experience of everyday life ... is becoming standardized around the world." While some scholars and observers of globalization stress convergence of patterns of production and consumption and a resulting homogenization of culture, others stress that globalization has the potential to take many diverse forms...... I was email a video that i think that everyone should watch so click on the blue link and check it out........Shift happens