Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cambodia love

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Before and After

So i have had some positive and negative feed back on my moe...Me personally i could not wait to cut it and my hair....but for the people that loved it and the people that hated are a few pictures....enjoy...
The moe got contagious on the trip Eric and Andy both took a run at it.....
It got to a point that i could not even take myself seriously....
Feelin alittle more normal...but now i like my hair and think that i am going to grow it out....i'm thinkin dreads maybe....

Monday, February 19, 2007


The sun rise on Sunday the 18th the longest day of my life......
Sandy beach....small was wind blown but still really fun....and Eric almost drown

Sunday the 18th the last day in Fiji

We stopped at a really cool island....Mystery Island..
It was are last day in Fiji so we rented a 110ft pirate ship and had them sail us around the island for awhile...
Some fish that we caught for a lunch feast.....
The Captain jumped ship so i had to take the wheel and sail us back to port.....

I live by fiji time

The first nights sunset in Fiji

The streets of Nadi...And Andy drinking his fiji water and tryin to challenge me to a moe contest.........he lost
The second nights sunset....
Looking back at the Mt. is crazy how the sun looks when it is setting in turns the sky a strange orange color...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The longest day of my life

So we have left New Zealand about a week ago and have been in fiji for about 3 days and 3 nights..and are about to be back in the good old U.S.A....tomorrow but it is really going to be today or maybe it will be yesterday....i dont know..but i do know that i am going back in time..and will be living the 18th all overr again...but it wont be that bad..i spent all day sunday on some far off remote island in fiji and will now spend all day sunday again in will be one really long good day i will tell more when i get back to hawaii...but it is crazy that the trip is mind has been opened....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So we got skunked on the surf in Raglan so we headed more north to a spot that one of the locals had told me about and we hit it big time... we got the best surf of the trip....

Moving on more north to Raglan

A birds eye view of the world famous Raglan...and its flat as a pancake....
Another beautiful sunset... I try and make it a daily thing to watch the sunset....
Its the simple things in life that make you its free to watch...and i like free...

Moving on to Rotorua

Kerosene Creek hot springs.....and the place really smelled like kerosene...
Andy being the scientist that he is wanted to tie a rope around a rock and throw it in to see just how deep the spring really was....but we couldn't find enough rope...
We found a place that would let you camp and use there hot spring pools for only 13 dollars a day what a deal...The road to Rotorua is know as the thermal highway... There was hot springs all over the place...
A picture from the nature walk that they had at the hot springs spa...
The look out at the end of the trail, looking out over the boiling spring....

Another night at Taranaki

Watching the surf in front of are camp.......
Taking some time to myself to reflect on the day's......

A secret spot that we found

High tide rocks
Low tide picture...alot of rocks
One of the local boys going off...

Taranaki coast

The Cape light house where we camped with Mt. Taranaki in the back ground...The locals say that in the winter they snowboard and surf in the say day.....
The sunsets from the first night we camped

Chillin around the fire....

Makara beach

Are third night on the north island and the fire department was called on us.... the fire got alot bigger....
Just some random road that we drove down... and the beach that was at the end of it...
A view from the top of the beach....

The boat to the north island

Pictures from the boat...
The sun was setting on one side...
And the moon was rising on the other...full moon and nature goes crazy

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The count down

Well we have just a week left and then we will be back in America... happy and sad.... will be in Fiji for about 4 days and then Hawaii....i was looking at some of my pictures of myself that i took at the airport before i left and man i look crazy right now....i think that i really need a hair cut and a shave really really really bad....i have so much to say and so many pictures to post but no time and having to pay to much for the computers is making me i cant wait to get to my dads house and then i will give the book long story.....hope all is well and i will post some pictures when i get a chance......peace in the middle east Be Happy Be Free Be Noah