Sunday, February 18, 2007

The longest day of my life

So we have left New Zealand about a week ago and have been in fiji for about 3 days and 3 nights..and are about to be back in the good old U.S.A....tomorrow but it is really going to be today or maybe it will be yesterday....i dont know..but i do know that i am going back in time..and will be living the 18th all overr again...but it wont be that bad..i spent all day sunday on some far off remote island in fiji and will now spend all day sunday again in will be one really long good day i will tell more when i get back to hawaii...but it is crazy that the trip is mind has been opened....


Blogger omgirl said...

hey minds...what a wonderful feeling....
just want to say hi, it's been a while.
safe travels~~~peace~~~tara

9:58 AM  

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