Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pacific Curls

We are on tour

So we really don't have much else to do but travel around and see the sights and try and experience the cultures of the places that we have been... So Thats what we have been doing for the last 2 nights... We where staying in Golden bay the most northern part of the south island and found a place that had some live music so we went and check it out the place was called the mussel inn. ..It was a very small local hang out... so that night the band was call the pacific curls... 3 native pacific island women was the make up of the band... The music was a mix of old school pacific island music and instruments with a contemporary sound to it..They play 13 different instruments in all and one was the nose flute ( Joe i think that was the instrument that you use to play in your high school band) . It was a brilliant show... we liked it so much that we ended up going on tour with them..and the next stop was a town called Nelson and that is where we are right now.. the show was last night and it was great we all had a great time jamming out....I think that we might have to much free time on are hands and have been hanging out with to many hippy's but what ever... so now we are debating on if we want to go to the west side of the island for the next show.....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cant remember the name of this beach

It did not look like a long walk when we started but it was like walking across the desert... You can see Andy really small in the distance...And a picture of the beach at the end of the desert....

The name of the beach is Wharariki

The beach had tons of caves everywhere and seals in almost all of them...really cool spot but scared to go in the water for a swim...if you see this many seals on the beach you will most likely see a lot of sharks in the water...

Farwell spit

Underwater life...A Seal which was one of many that we saw and seals really smell bad..And some cool rock


Franz Joseph glacier

Fox Glacier

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I have added some links on the side of my page to some other good blogs... so feel free to check them out....

Friday, January 26, 2007

So we are now at the top of the south island around the Nelson area... we had to charge it from the bottom of the south all the way along the west coast to where we are now so that we could get away from the sand flys..... what are sand flys you ask??? They are the devils pet if you ask me.....small black flys that suck your blood and they come by the thousands and are everywhere.....we could not take it anymore......and the only reason that i am on the net right now is because we are waiting for are rental to get a new tire put on that make 2 tires now in less than 2 weeks that we have had to change on the rental....I think that we rally to we will be heading to the north island soon and then to fiji maybe ....i am thinking about changing my ticket and just heading to hawaii...the travels are starting to take its toll.....

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Humbolt fall

Humbolt falls.. and chilling at the top of key summit

Milford Sound

Milford Sound is just a magical place thats all i can say about it....

Broken neck

So my neck is killing me...just to much to are just turning your head so fast in every which way looking at stuff its just to beautiful here.... i have so many pictures that i want to post but no time and the cost of posting is starting to add up.... i am trying to edit a video of us swimming in the waterfall so that i can try and post the video...dont know if it will work but i am going to try....

Morning showers

Well you know how we like to swim in waterfalls.... And what better place than this to take a morning shower...And a cool picture looking out of the snow cave taken from sitting in the waterfall......

Milford sound

A water fall the carved out a hole in the snow....

A view from the valley on the way into Milford Sound

Good views

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Forster...some place on the south coast

We are to cheap to buy a gas stove so we just do are cooking on the engine.....and just livin life on the edge

Cathedral caves

Just one of the many many stops along the coast...and the surf going off... the picture makes it look alot better than it really is.......

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This is how we stay warm at night

Nothing better than a giant bond fire


Me charging in the rental to are camping spot

Friday, January 19, 2007

i thought that i was done posting but found more pics

The boys at the lake... Andy and i in the van on the bridge...a pic of the water fall that i jumped into another pic of me at the water fall sorry for the double post comupters falt... and me getting a morning surf in.. it was head high and milk glass but you cant tell from the pic.. hahah