Friday, January 26, 2007

So we are now at the top of the south island around the Nelson area... we had to charge it from the bottom of the south all the way along the west coast to where we are now so that we could get away from the sand flys..... what are sand flys you ask??? They are the devils pet if you ask me.....small black flys that suck your blood and they come by the thousands and are everywhere.....we could not take it anymore......and the only reason that i am on the net right now is because we are waiting for are rental to get a new tire put on that make 2 tires now in less than 2 weeks that we have had to change on the rental....I think that we rally to we will be heading to the north island soon and then to fiji maybe ....i am thinking about changing my ticket and just heading to hawaii...the travels are starting to take its toll.....


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