Thursday, December 21, 2006

well we have made it to sydney and where staying at some irish peoples house in bondi beach but are now moving on back into the bush for a few more days and then xmas will be back in bondi i think...we surfed this morning at bondi beach and it was fun we went out with no wetsuits so the water was alittle cold but it was nice to surf with out a wet suit till the next time i get to the computer i wish everyone a merry xmas....

Monday, December 18, 2006

Are first camp site.....And a pic of a cool tree that was burnt in one of the fires...
A pic overlooking hoberton beach from Mt hoberton one of the most southern spots in Australia....And some really cool spots that we found when we where lost and trying to find are way.... And a pic in wilsons prom. of the sun and the coast, the sun and the coast look smoked out due to the mass bush fires that are burning in the outback so some of the pics are hazy due to the smoke...the fires are so big that the smoke goes all the way to New Zealand....

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some stops along the great ocean looking wild at seal rock and a pic of seal rock home of about 20,000 seals....and a great white that they cought off of seal rock which was not far from where we surfed on phillip island....

A pic of us looking out over the crampions...Cooking breakfast on the hot plates... A pic of a spot that we tryed to surf on phillip island which is one of the sharkest spot in Australia ...a pic of us on joannas beach next to bells beach... and a pic of us sitting under the water fall in the crampions...

Some pics of are new car that we bought....swimming in a water fall at the crampions national park ,,and a look out spot at the same park....and a hot plate that we did alot of cooking on in Lorne,, what a great spot for a BBQ...

The wild life

Just some of are pets that we have found along the way....

Sunday, December 10, 2006

"The ground has been good to me"

wow.......... So we have been lost in the bush for a week or more walking track day and night drinking water out of scary waterfalls and running from hoop snakes and watching out for drop bears... went along the coast and stopped at all the stops and saw all the great beaches... camped on the beach and in the woods and at peoples house...we have done so much in the last week or more it is hard to keep track of the new poeple and places that we have been..we went in land and found a good country town...saw mountains and did some swimming in waterfalls...and now are about to get are car the we bought and start to head north along the pray that are car makes it all the way.... sorry i will not post any new pics till i get to a better computer..but wanted to post something to let people know that we are all doing well....the next post i will have some good pics for everyone..... happy holidays

Friday, December 01, 2006

We leave for Australia tonight

So it is the last day in Bali and we are happy and sad… sad to leave the beauty and the cheap cheap living but we are happy to be on are way to a new destination… Australia and a new adventure and also to feel a little safer than the last few countries that we have been in…. the corruption in the south Asia countries is just ridiculous and we are close to the place that the terrorist bomb went off here back in October 2002… So it will be good to be in a new country and one that we will be able to communicate with the people there…So when we where in Cambodia I heard a joke…If you know 3 languages you are trilingual and if you know 2 languages you are bilingual and if you know 1 language you are American…ha ha…. But it is the truth we have met so many people so far on this trip that knows how to speak 2 or 3 languages and when I get home one of the first things on my list is to learn a different language or 2… we have been in Kuta for the last few days and have just been relaxing and chillin… it was Andy’s birthday on the 28th so we went out with some of are French friends to the disco (that’s what the French like to call it) it was really a reggae bar called apache and we all had a great time getting are reggae dance on…and then last night we went out to a place that had pool tables and played some pool and met back up with are French friends and about 10 of their friends from there home town that where on tour like us and went to a really popular dance club and got are dance on again… I must say that the French people are really cool and now they are all are good friend and want us to come and visit… so with all the French people that we know now I think that if we ever go to France we will know about half the people in their home town of Anglet… well we are trying to get a list of things that we have to do for Australia and the list is just getting longer and longer… and we are still unsure of if we are going to try and buy a car or just rent a van from this company called wicked vans which is a rental company that takes vans and puts beds and a sink and stove and some other things that you need to camp with… but either way we are going to rent a car for the first few days and just drive around to all the hostels in Melbourne and see if anyone is selling a car or van or anything else that we might need because we have been talking to some Australians here and reading the lonely planet travel book and they all say that there are many people that do what we are trying to do so we should be able to find some good deals from the hostels… so hopefully we will be able to find something really fast and cheap and then be able to hit the road and head south west to Loren or Warrnambool where we will meet up with one of Eric’s friends brother who lives in Loren and get are camp on and surf on… I am really excited to start to camp and be able to cook and eat some food that is made by my own 2 hands instead of all of these scary restaurants that we have been eating in…I don’t think that they have any clue of what a clean kitchen or clean utensils are (I think that every fork that I have used so far has had a piece of someone else’s old food still on it )…but we have now found the best spot in bali to eat it is called the Balcony… It over looks this little street that has the worst blind corner turn on it in the world and the street is just big enough to fit your car down it… I can’t believe that I have not seen a thousand cars run into each other or a moto… But the balcony is awesome it has a big screen TV and plays surf movies all day it has the newest surf magazines and good music and it is the cleanest place I have ever seen…they even have a certificate on the wall that says they are one of the cleanest places in bali… but the best thing about the place is that there are pictures and surf boards from all the pro surfers that come to bali and eat here you name a pro surfer and his picture is on the wall… yesterday I ate at the same table that Slater was eating at in his picture…but what ever I am just happy to have a nice place to eat and that is still really cheap…just 38,000 Rp. For the best red snapper you will ever eat and that turns out to be about 4 American dollars… one thing that I am going to miss about this place is just how cheap everything is…But that’s about it for this post because it is already really long and I can sit here and write and blab all day and night about story and things that we have done and seen…But I just wanted to post a blog since I had sometime and let everyone know that we are all doing good and the next post will be from Australia… So thanks to everyone that is checking the blog and has taken the time to signup so that you can leave me comments…it is good to hear from people so keep it coming and I will keep on blogging… till the next post wish us luck on are first few days in Australia…